Surrey Hills Primary School

Proud of Our Past

Dedicated to Our Future



Parents’ Association

Surrey Hills Primary School has a very strong and committed Parents’ Association who support the school through fundraisers, parent and social events, along with establishing and maintaining local business partnerships. The work of the Parents’ Association assists in creating a strong and vibrant community who participate and support the school and each other.

The Parents’ Association have Class Representatives in every class who assist in coordinating the communication between the PA and parents. While there are many committed members on the committee, new parents are always welcome to join or assist with one of the many activities around the school that the Parents’ Association coordinate.

Parent Volunteers

Surrey Hills Primary School has a strong belief in the partnership between the students, parents and teachers in the success of a child's educational outcomes. Parents are involved in our school community in many ways such as classroom helpers, on excursions and incursions, as a class rep, involvement in whole school events such as Athletics Day and the school Production.

To work as a volunteer at Surrey Hills Primary School, all parents require a Working with Children Card, and to read and acknowledge the school's Statement of Values, Child Safe Policy and Code of Conduct.

Before and After School care

TheirCare is the provider of Before and After School care at Surrey Hills Primary School.  We are delighted to be partnering with TheirCare.  Their team invest in our school community and do so with integrity and a high level of professionalism.  They care for our students as much as we do and are an important part of many of our students' lives.

Parents can sign up and make bookings online through the TheirCare website. TheirCare operates before school from 7:00am and after school until 6:00pm. 


Surrey Hills Primary School students wear a uniform as it:

Surrey Hills Primary School works with clothing retailer Bob Stewart for the supply of our school uniforms. Parents can visit the Kew store or purchase items online through the Bob Stewart website and have these delivered to the school at no charge. We are proud to be associated with a third generation family business that has long term links to the community.

The Parents' Association run a pre-loved uniform shop.